What is Sisters of Tamar Support Circle (SoTSC)?
Sisters of Tamar Support Circle is a faith-based support group for women survivors of sexual abuse. The Sisters of Tamar Support Circle was inspired by information shared by Robin Stone in her book No Secrets No Lies: How Black Families Can Heal from Sexual Abuse, in which she discussed the unique dynamics of how sexual abuse is not addressed within the African-American community. Sisters of Tamar Support Circle Curriculum is copywritten. Access to the curriculum requires training and certification by Dr. Tyffani and other certified trainers.
Why Sisters of Tamar Support Circle?
In our community, we have often viewed the Church as a place of Hope and Healing. It is our refuge when life circumstances cause us stress or harm. Therefore, it is not surprising that, when we are affected by sexual abuse, we seek solace within our churches. Yet, in doing so, many of us have also found that our churches are not prepared to cope with issues of sex, sexuality, sexual violence, or the emotional and physical impact that abuse has on us. We cannot ignore the fact that sexual abuse happens in our community. SoTSC provides the Church with a guide to offer a spirit-led support group for women survivors of sexual abuse.
Goals of Sisters of Tamar Support Circle
The goal of the Sisters of Tamar Support Circleis to have a place within our churches where we can go and be:
Borrowing somewhat from the AA/NA model of support from each other by each other, the Sisters of Tamar Support Circle seeks to encourage group facilitation by those within the church to assist their sisters in coping with sexual abuse. Sister Circles have been shown to be able to address the needs of African-American women as it relates to feelings of isolation, need for support, and incorporation of faith. Sister circles are support groups that build upon existing friendships, kin networks, and the sense of community found among African Americans females. making the development of a Sister of Tamar Support Circle within the Church a natural choice.
To Find Out More About Sisters of Tamar Support Circle:
Follow us on Facebook @SistersOfTamarSupportCircle
Access to Curriculum and Training: Tyffani@MonfordDentConsulting.com